Additional Information & Application Method
Submitted via post to:
Private Bag X895,
Pretoria, 0001
or hand-deliver to: The Department of Basic Education, 222 Struben Street, Pretoria.
Please visit the Department of Education’s website at or the Department of Public Service and Administration vacancy circulars at
FOR ATTENTION: Ms M Mahape/Ms N Sathege
CLOSING DATE: 15 July 2022
Applications must be submitted on the most recent Z83 Application for Employment Form as issued by the Minister for the Public Service and Administration, obtainable from the DBE Website and/or any Public Service Department. Use of the old Z83 Form may result in disqualification.
Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on the application but must submit the Z83 with a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be requested from shortlisted candidates on or before the day of the interview.
Applicants who do not comply with the requirements outlined above, will not be considered. Applications received after the closing date and e-mailed or faxed applications will not be considered.
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